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Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct


DreamHill Online School Code of Conduct is designed to establish a safe, respectful, and productive online learning environment for all students. All students are expected to adhere to this code while participating in our online school community.


Students must treat their peers, teachers, and staff with respect and courtesy in all online interactions, including discussion boards, video conferences, emails, and other communication channels.


Cyberbullying, harassment, discrimination, or any form of harmful behaviour towards others will not be tolerated.


1. Academic Integrity:


§  Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of academic dishonesty is strictly prohibited.


§  Proper citation and source attribution are required for all academic work.


2. Technology Use:


§  Students should use school-provided technology and online platforms for educational purposes only. Unauthorized use of technology for non-educational activities is prohibited.


§  Respect all technology access rules and restrictions established by the school.


3. Attendance and Participation:


§  Students must attend all scheduled online classes and actively participate in discussions, assignments, and assessments.


§  Prompt communication with teachers regarding absences or technical issues is expected.


4. Dress Code:


§  While online, students are encouraged to dress appropriately and in a manner that reflects a professional and respectful attitude.


5. Privacy and Data Security:


§  Protect your own and others' privacy by not sharing personal information, contact details, or sensitive data in any online setting.


§  Comply with all applicable data protection and privacy laws.


6. Language and Communication:


§  Use respectful and appropriate language in all written and verbal communication, maintaining a tone of professionalism and politeness.


§  Avoid using offensive, derogatory, or inappropriate language.


7. Digital Citizenship:


§  Students are expected to practice good digital citizenship, which includes being responsible, safe, and respectful when using online tools and resources.


8. Reporting Violations:


§  Students who witness or experience violations of this Code of Conduct should promptly report them to a teacher, school administrator, or designated staff member.


9. Consequences of Violations:



§  Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary actions, including warnings, temporary suspension from online classes, or expulsion from the school, depending on the severity and repetition of the offense.


10. Review and Amendments:


§  This Code of Conduct may be reviewed and updated as needed to reflect changes in technology and educational practices.


11. Acknowledgment:


§  All students and their parents or guardians are required to review and acknowledge their understanding of this Code of Conduct at the beginning of each school year.


By adhering to this Code of Conduct, students contribute to a positive, respectful, and productive online learning environment. The school is committed to maintaining a supportive and engaging digital space for all members of our community.